Cycling and trains - two things we're passionate about around here.
Traveling short distances or long distances, the means of travel often find themselves entwined. Many of today's former railway lines now serve as trails for cyclists and pedestrians. They take wandering paths along riverways and through greenways connecting back to nature.
Our Rail & Trails Bike Racks further connect the heritage of the railroad with bicycling. Using sections of railroad steel as mounts for bicycles, we pad them with leather and attach them to a vertical post crafted from a reclaimed creosote-free crosstie timber. The look is at once industrial, but also rustic and natural. It's a fitting combination of old and new world.
These are a limited edition item, and we have a select few remaining including this one.
Please contact us if you have questions about the configuration or other details.
Size: 72" x 20" x 18" (HxWxD)
Color: Watered Whiskey
Materials: Steel and wood
Made in the USA
Warranty Information
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